“On Thursday 5 May, Year 6 had a cricket match against Glendower. As we guessed the hand which held the coin correctly, we chose to field first. The first bowler (Freya) bowled accurate throws and hit the stumps on her last throw! Encouraged, we continued on to find that the next bowler. (Olivia) also hit the stumps getting the girl batting out! The majority of us also achieved that, subtracting 4 runs from their total each!
Next, when everyone had had a go bowling 2 overs(12 throws) we switched to batting. The first pair (Pearl and Annelise) had an amazing 3 hits that sailed right over the line! They had great teamwork and communicated very well, remembering everything from our lessons. The next two were me and Lily. We hit lots of balls and used the top tips that Miss Underwood and Mrs Gardener gave us, using them as an advantage. Eleonora and Jasmine went next and even though they didn’t hit the ball, they scored at least 8 runs! Olivia and Freya went last with a great ending of lots of powerful hits and runs! Overall, we won 240-248.
We all had a great time and enjoyed the cricket match a lot. Miss Underwood was really impressed with our technical and accurate bowls and our teamwork with each other. It was thanks to Eleonora and Jasmine that we pulled ahead, which just shows, that small things ( lots of individual runs in this case)can make the difference.” Isabelle