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Inspection Reports

Falkner House

Inspection Reports

The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) last inspected Falkner House in October 2021.

The full report is below.

We feel they captured the essence of Falkner House. Whilst we ourselves know the extraordinary talent and commitment of the staff and what they help the children to achieve, it is very special to see this validated and recognised by highly experienced external assessors.  To say we are pleased with the outcome is an understatement.

Some of our favourite comments are: “The school’s approach combines high academic standards with patience and kindness” and “pupils exhibit high levels of self-esteem in a humble and respectful manner”. “Pupils display sophisticated study skills for their age” and have “excellent analytical skills”. They also “are able to read critically, think independently and defend their views in a positive learning environment”; “Pupils show an extraordinarily positive mental attitude towards challenging academic demands”; “pupils are naturally self-aware without a hint of arrogance”.  And from a pupil to an inspector: “friends are like gold dust but sprinkled everywhere”

ISI previously inspected Falkner House in April 2017 – Regulatory Compliance Inspection (RCI) 

The full report is below.

Overall Summary
“The school meets the standards in the schedule to the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014, relevant requirements of the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and associated requirements, and no further action is required as a result of this inspection”

ISI inspected Falkner House in May and June 2011. 

The full report is below.

Overall Summary

“Falkner House is exceptionally successful in meeting its aims. Pupils’ achievement is outstanding and they reach extremely high standards of attainment in both their academic work and their extra-curricular activities, especially sport and music. Pupils are very articulate and have excellent literacy, numeracy and ICT skills. They make rapid progress in all year groups from the Nursery onwards, as a consequence of outstanding teaching and a curriculum which is ambitious and far-reaching in all subjects. Class teachers and specialist teachers display an infectious energy and enthusiasm in their lessons, which motivates pupils and stimulates their intellect. The depth and breadth of teachers’ subject knowledge ensures that a high level of challenge is set for pupils.”

“The pupils’ personal development, including their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, is excellent. As a result of the warm, family atmosphere in the school, pupils are able to flourish and develop self-confidence in their abilities.”

“The quality of governance, leadership and management is excellent. The proprietor runs the school very effectively in her role as headteacher. She exercises a clear vision and drive for excellence, and is open to ideas for development and improvement.”

“The quality of teaching is excellent. This enables pupils to make rapid progress and attain high standards. The majority of teaching seen was outstanding, across a range of subjects, and the remainder was almost always as good.”