Falkner House provides a unique environment in which children can flourish and are given the opportunity and confidence to excel.
With more than sixty years of experience, we have a clear vision of what a civilised, cultured all-round education should be, in the complex world of the twenty-first century. Being Londoners through and through, we are proud to embrace the best of British values in the most dynamic and diverse of cities.
Small but mighty, with one class per year group, Falkner House children are known, nurtured and respected as individuals. The range of extracurricular activities on offer, from music to drama, sport and art, reflects our approach that every child should have the opportunity to shine.
As an academic school, Falkner House supports and challenges every child to realise their potential, whatever their ability. Intellectual curiosity, self-confidence and independence of mind are fostered. Kindness, good manners and consideration of others are Falkner House essentials.
We believe that children learn best when they feel happy and secure within a challenging environment, allowing them to take risks and thus learn from failure as well as success. In the midst of academic rigour, the children have fun, quickly gaining a love of learning and a delight in knowledge for its own sake. We are proud of our children, not just in terms of their academic successes but more importantly in their poise, self-confidence, drive and enthusiasm.
Blending the best of the old with the best of the new, at Falkner House the latest technology is taken for granted but we believe that sophisticated systems can never replace inspired teachers. Indeed, Falkner House attracts and retains loyal and highly skilled specialist teachers who quickly gain the understanding and knowledge of each pupil’s abilities, interests and personalities which are so important for educational and personal development. Generous staffing means teachers are always on hand to give individual help. An open-door policy means parents know that any matter of concern or interest, large or small, can be discussed at any time with teachers or the head teacher.
It is an enormous privilege for us as a family to run Falkner House. We do not take for granted that parents are entrusting us to educate, nurture and inspire their children every day.
Please see the link to our latest ISI Inspection report below.
Falkner House aims to:
- ensure that all children achieve a high standard of work across the curriculum
- provide a broad curriculum with progression through the years
- provide a caring and happy atmosphere
- provide an appropriate set of expectations for each individual child
- develop self-confidence and self-esteem
- encourage an ability to form easy relationships with both peers and adults
- encourage a sense of individual pride in all school and personal activities
- instil a wide variety of life skills