“On Wednesday 10th November year 6 did a fantastic netball match showing skills, defending and dodging.
In the first quarter Annelise drove in and almost caught the ball, but the opponent snatched the ball at the last moment and the ball went into the shooting circle of Garden House. Emmeline and Heloise did an amazing job with defending, but the ball went in the hoop. Then Falkner started with the ball but garden house caught the ball, another goal was scored for Garden House. At the end of the first quarter Garden House had 6 goals and Falkner had 0, but Falkner’s wasn’t giving up! After a pep talk from Mrs Gardner, we were ready and energised to go on.
In the second quarter I drove in and caught the ball, Falkner did really well because the ball moved down the court really easily. Isabella did some amazing passes and then the ball got into the shooting circle and I tried a shot. Unfortunately, it did not get in and the ball went back to Garden House’s shooting circle but Emmeline got tripped over! Fortunately, she was ok! Falkner had improved because Garden House only scored 3 goals!
In the third quarter Annelise caught the ball and threw it to Isabelle, she caught it and she threw the ball to Isabella and the ball landed in Falkner’s shooting circle. Jasmine tried a spectacular shot but sadly it didn’t get in. Then the ball landed in Garden House’s hands, they moved the ball with difficulty(amazing defending)down the court and managed to shoot one goal. Falkner has done amazing defending by only letting one goal in!
I was most proud of the last quarter because: Heloise and Emmeline did amazing jobs at defending, Annelise and Isabelle did amazing dodging and driving in, Isabella did amazing centre passes and dodges and jasmine and I both did an amazing job in the circle. It was a garden house ball and when it got into the circle Emmeline’s glasses got knocked off! Then Falkner regained control and got the ball into our circle, Jasmine and I managed to get the ball in the perfect position to shoot and I tried the goal again…….it skimmed around the hoop and……it fell in!!!!!! We had a GOAL! Then the whistle blew and the game ended.
Overall, I think that this was not at all an easy game but even if we lost 10-1, I still think Falkner did an exquisite job and we are all proud!” Oliva