On 6th December Year 6 went to the Tower of London and we learned a lot from the experience.  We found out from our tour guide about the tower as a prison and how Father John Gerard escaped from the tower using only an orange, parchment, string and charcoal.

We also learned that the tower was not just home to prisoners but animals too as it was a zoo in the past!  All the animals were gifts from rulers of other countries to the monarch.  There were lions, baboons and even a polar bear! At the end of the tour we went on a Christmas trail about how Christmas had been celebrated at different times in history and we ate chocolate coins!  The best part of the trip was seeing the crown jewels, we went on a spectacular conveyor belt that took us past the jewels.  My favourite crown was Queen Victoria’s because despite being so small it was extremely beautiful.  I really enjoyed the trip! Elena