“On Friday 8th October, Falkner House hosted an Inter-school Cross Country. 4 girls and 4 boys from years 3-6 were chosen to represent the school in the run. Many schools attended such as Glendower, Ken Prep and others.

Everyone brought their own packed lunch to eat at the park before the race began, and we all enjoyed our large picnic.

As for the actual course it was quite long, and each year group ran a different number of laps ranging from 2-4. It was hard but everyone finished on a fine position, for example, in Year 5 Serena came 2nd place! For the overall winners Ken Prep came 1st with a significant amount of wins, with Falkner House coming 2nd.

Mrs Gardner and all the staff were very encouraging and did an amazing job at organising it and of course congratulations to all the girls that participated in it and for having a positive attitude towards the run.” Isabella