This week we introduced the wonderful artist Frida Kahlo. An artist known for her self-portraits, her love for her Mexican heritage and her amazing ‘raven winged’ eyebrows.

Our nook under the stairs became La Casa Azul, the blue house that Frida’s father built for his family. The children enjoyed dressing up in Frida inspired headdresses as they took care of her many unusual and interesting pets.

Frida’s love of flowers could be found in both classrooms. From games, counting activities and flower art in the number room, to the scented sensory flower garden in the letter room.

In comparison to the beautiful weather we have enjoyed outside, the letter room experienced a lot of ‘rain’. Each child painted a ‘u’ for umbrella with watercolour paints and rainclouds, jugs and sieves washed Incy Wincy Spider and his friend down the spout in the water trough.

A big thank you to everyone who came to Nursery’s open day on Thursday. The children were very excited to show parents, grandparents, siblings and their nannies ‘their world’, the activities they enjoy in Nursery and of course their art in their folders and on the walls.

A lot of fun was had as we participated in the Year 6 Movie Magic Eco Friendly Bazaar. Year 6 outdid themselves creating fun games and challenges for all of use to enjoy. All the money collected went to Medicinema – a charity chosen by the Year 6 girls.