Falkner House, 19 Brechin Place, London SW7 4QB.
Tel: 020 7373 4501
Email: office@falknerhouse.co.uk
Falkner House LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales at the above address under registered number OC370021. In an emergency during out of school hours please contact Mrs Anita Griggs, the Headteacher/Principal on 020 7259 2492 or at 2 Brechin Place, London SW7 4QA. Other members of the LLP (Roy Griggs, Flavia Rogers, Eleanor Dixon, Cordelia Colec and Marina Wood) can be contacted through the school office.
Please email the office if you have any queries or if you would like to arrange a visit. The registration form can be found on our admissions page.