We finished our last week of the term with a bang! Our Christmas shows were a great success. The children preformed beautifully, singing songs that told the story of Christmas. Thank you for all your support, the children were very excited to sing to you all.
We have had a fun and creative week as we continued making photo frame snowflakes and building snow people with the snow dough. The elves’ kitchen continued to be a big hit along with the Christmas games, books, activities and jigsaw puzzles.
There was great excitement throughout the week as we kept a sharp eye out for Slinky Malinki, ‘author, Lynley Dodds’ mischievous cat who likes to hide in Nursery’s Christmas tree, but who is never in the same place as the day before!
Today we finished the week with a very festive day. It was great to see everyone dressing up in their festive finery. We finished our nursery advent story calendar with the book ‘Room for a Little One’, by Martin Waddell. The rest of the sessions were filled with laughter, dancing, Christmas crackers and a wonderful party feast.
We all wish you a wonderful holiday and look forward to seeing you all back in the new year.