This week we continued focusing on the fairy tale ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. The Giant’s Castle continued to be very popular, as too the story tray. The children retold and re-enacted the familiar fairy tale and created their own versions using puppets and dolls alongside story props and books. Various versions of ‘Fee fi fo fum’ could be heard coming from inside the castle and the number room.
In the letter room Nursery explored the texture of cloud paint, using one-part PVA to three-parts shaving foam (for sensitive skin) mixed together.
Outside, Incy Wincy spider and his family all came out to play. They were washed down the water spouts by the rain cloud and sieves.
Our herbs are thriving in the Plant Centre as too our bean plants. There was great excitement as we watched the bean seeds we planted, germinate and become seedlings.
Half term: 17th – 28th October
Half term has arrived, this is a good opportunity to take plenty of rest. We would strongly encourage children to practice putting on their own shoes and socks during this time.
On Wednesday 2nd November we will travel to Kensington Gardens by coach for our autumn walk. The outings (morning and afternoon) are taking place during school hours. The children will come to Nursery at their normal time.
The Nursery team wish you all a wonderful half term break and we look forward to hearing all about your adventures when Nursery starts again Monday 31st October.