It has been a fun filled and busy week! Continuing with our ‘Our World’ topic, we focused on ‘Deserts’. After revisiting our continents song, we looked at the globe and discovered that every continent has a desert. We looked at the biggest and coldest, Antarctica, and then took a closer look at the hotter deserts and their inhabitants.

The children enjoyed the different desert areas set up around Nursery, from the sand tray in the letter room, to the hidden animals in the sensory tray in the number room. Our nook under the stairs became a place for explorers to investigate a variety of desert wildlife.

On Wednesday and Thursday, fun was had by all, both from spectators and participants during Nursery’s annual sports day. It was wonderful having parents, grandparents and carers come and support the children again after two years without.

On Friday, our afternoon children visited St James’s Park for our ‘Budding Twitches’ outing. There was great excitement to see the guards at Wellington Barracks coming out for inspection. We took a moment to stop and look at Buckingham Palace before walking around the park. We saw many water birds and their young before racing up and down a hill. We sat down for our picnic and then continued our bird spotting before heading back to the coach.

On Monday, the morning children will go on their outing to St James’s Park. Could all children please bring a backpack to carry their lunch in. No drinks are needed as we will bring provide water. Thank you.