This week we focused on ‘Everyone is Different’ with the help from these wonderful books that introduce different cultures and beliefs to bring an awareness of diversity,

  • ‘All Are Welcome’, by Alexandra Penfold
  • ‘We Are Together’, by Britta Teckentrup
  • ‘Happy in Our Skin, by Fran Manushkin
  • ‘Whoever You Are’, by Mem Fox
  • ‘Hats of Faiths’, by Medeia Cohan-Petrolino

These books lead to discussions about inclusion and belonging; that no matter what race or religion we are, what language we speak, what we look like or where we come from, we all belong. Under the stairs, our ‘nook’ became a home with clothes from around the world. The children had a lot of fun creating stories while dressing up.

In the number room we focused on our five senses. The children explored the classrooms and playground, discussing and considering which of their senses they were using when playing with things such as vehicles, water beads and the number five sensory tray.

In the letter room we focused on ‘q’ for queen. There were great discussions on who is our queen, where she lives and what is her job.

‘She wears the crown and sits on the chair, she goes to Windsor Palace.’

‘She plays with her grandchildren and does fun activities with them.’

‘She protects us from monsters.’

‘She takes care of animals if they are lost, like birds, dogs or cats.’

‘She writes colourings for our birthdays.’

‘She looks after the country.’

The children then painted portraits of Queen Elizabeth II which are framed and displayed in the letter room.

The excitement is building in Nursery as we discussed what the jubilee is and why we are celebrating the Queen. We continued making bunting and crowns in preparation for our celebratory street party on Friday.