This week, Nursery experienced the wonderful texture of slime! There was a lot of smiles, fun and laughter, mixed with the odd repulsed look on some faces as those who wished, put their hands into green slippery, slimy mixture.
We continued our spring topic, looking at the changes of the season, prompting the arrival of springtime animal babies. The children created stories around the soft toy farm animals and their babies which moved into the farm under the stairs.
In the number room the children enjoyed a variety of flower games and activities. We looked at some of the beautiful flowers we see growing this time of year then drew flowers with pastels, to which ten bees were counted out and stuck around.
There was great excitement as some of the sunflower seedlings are starting to show this week. All plant pots will go home next week, for continued care as each child’s plant grows.
In the letter room we focused on rhyming words. The children enjoyed finding and matching rhyming toys and cards, making up nonsense rhyming words with ‘Wibbly Wobbly’ and playing in the ‘rhyme slime’.
Much fun was had by all on Wednesday and Thursday as the children were supported by lots of cheering and clapping from the big girls on Nursery’s cross-country races in the playground.
Today, the children are taking something special home in their bags that they made for their mother’s for Mother’s Day. We wish you all a wonderful weekend!