This week in Nursery we explored and matched the creatures that hatch from eggs with their parents, not always an easy task especially when matching insect families!
Inspired by the book ‘Elmer’ by David McKee, the children created their own stories playing with Elmer and his friends in ‘Elmer’s World’ and painting their own elephants.
In the Number Room the children enjoyed creating square works of art using a variety of textured materials. We searched and collected matching pairs of toys and objects from around the class, from squares to socks and animals to board the ark.
In the home corner the children were kept busy, cleaning the house, doing the laundry and all the while caring for the baby dolls. When one child first saw the house under the stairs she stood with hands-on hips, shook her head and said ‘I have a lot of work to do in here!’
On Tuesday 25th January we will be celebrating Burns Day! The children are invited to wear any form of tartan.