This week we focused on spiders. The children explored the lifecycle of these arachnids and we learnt that most spiders are completely harmless to humans. We discovered how important and helpful these eight legged minibeast are, feasting on the insects we consider pests.
The children thoroughly enjoyed playing with Incy Wincy and his friends in the water trough and the Three Bears in their home under the stairs.
In the letter room we learnt about volcanos. We had a very exciting time experimenting with bicarbonate of soda, red food colouring and white wine vinegar in ‘crater’ cups inside a soil mountain to see how a volcano looks when it erupts.
The veterinarian surgery was very popular, the vets were kept busy with many poorly pets!
We have ten new and exciting additions in Nursery, caterpillars! We have been watching them grow all week and are looking forward to what we may find in the jars on Monday: bigger caterpillars or pupae?