This week we welcomed the new children starting in the afternoon. We had fun discovering the toys and games set up in the classes and meeting and making new friends.
This week the children were introduced to our new topic ‘Our World’ with the book ‘Here We Are’, by Oliver Jeffers.
We discussed which city we live in and explained that London is in England, which is in Europe. The children were introduced to the seven continents and their names with the help of the catchy song ‘Continents, Continents, Do You Know Your Continents?’. We took turns to share with the class which continent our parents come from and which ones the children may have visited.
With the chillier weather, the children are needing more layers. Could all these extra layers of clothing please have a name tag or have the child’s name written in. Even though it’s very tiresome to name gloves and mittens, please could these also be named and come attached to coats, either by elastic, ribbon or clips. Thank you so much!
Please don’t worry, however, about sending in any spare clothes with your child in case of a toilet accident. We have plenty of spare clothes and will happily help them change and send home anything that might need a wash after nursery.